Shield By Supportly

Your All-in-One Security Champion

Conquer online threats with Shiled by Supportly, the all-in-one security software suite that empowers you to safeguard your devices from ever-evolving digital dangers.

Real-time scanning: Supportly experts can help you scan incoming messages, emails, and notifications in real-time for potential security threats, including scams and phishing attempts.
Scam detection: Supportly experts can help you detect common scam tactics, such as impersonation, lottery scams, and investment scams, and provide guidance on how to avoid them.
Phishing protection: Supportly experts can help you identify phishing links and provide guidance on how to avoid falling victim to phishing attacks.
Secure browsing: Supportly experts can provide guidance on how to browse the web securely, including tips for avoiding malicious sites and phishing attempts.
Fraud prevention: Supportly experts can provide guidance on how to avoid common fraud tactics, such as fake charity scams and identity theft, and help you protect your sensitive information.
Privacy protection: Supportly experts can provide guidance on how to protect your privacy, including tips for secure password creation, two-factor authentication, and other privacy-enhancing measures.
Automatic updates: Supportly experts can help ensure that your security software is up-to-date with the latest database of known scams and threats.
User reporting: Supportly experts can provide guidance on how to report suspicious messages or emails, helping to keep others safe from potential scams and threats.
Regular Updates: Stay informed about the latest product updates and enhancements, ensuring you're always at the forefront of new features.
Monthly Check-ins: We care about your satisfaction and success, so we schedule quarterly check-ins to gather feedback and address any concerns you may have.