Social engineering- the biggest threat to cyber security

What is Social Engineering and how does it attack, Let's understand in detail

Social engineering- the biggest threat to cyber security

What is meant by Social Engineering?

Social Engineering is basically a broader term used to categorize a whole class of cyber-attack where the hackers and spammers use psychological manipulation on the victims due to which they’re unknowingly forced to do human errors which cost them loss of their personal and confidential information or even sometimes money too!

Social engineering is basically a cyclic process in which the attacker uses a particular set of procedures to get the victim's important background information and weak points. After that, they work on gaining the trust of the victim so that they’re vulnerable enough to be attacked. After that, the perpetrators will make a suitable environment and situation where the victim can make potential errors so that they can phish the victim easily. And once their errors are made, money’s gone!

In recent times, the percentage of social engineering in the total cyber-attack tally has increased by a great factor.

According to the report by purplesec, 98% of the total cyber-attack in the world involves social engineering tricks in some kind. A man intrigued by any means to click on any misleading link containing malicious redirection could be counted as of the kind.Also, in the financial services quarterly threat landscape assessment for the quarter first, of the fiscal year 2022, a report has been released by Zerofox.
According to which, social engineering is one of the most frequently reported intrusion tactics which was highlighted for Q1 2022.

Different types of Social Engineering

As mentioned earlier, social engineering is a broader term that includes spam and cyber-attacks of different kinds. Below we’ve shared some of the most common types of Social Engineering attacks.


In this type of social engineering scam, the attacked user a series of lies and impersonates himself as a designated personality with the victim considers genuine. After they make them share their personal and sensitive details.


Phishing is one of the most common types of social engineering tactics where the attacker sends mail, text messages, or social media messages which are exactly the same as authentic messages like credit card expiring messages from the bank or anything like that. These messages contain malicious links through which they acquire the sensitive information of the users.

In the United States, almost 83% of organizations were attacked by phishing activities.

[Source: ProofPoint]


As the name suggests, the perpetrators claim false promises to the users for giving some kind of gift or reward in return for which they’ve to click some like which will be obviously malicious.

How to protect yourself from Social Engineering Scams?

Awareness and education are the only tool through which getting trapped in social engineering tactics can be avoided to a greater degree.

Some tips which could serve you as do’s and don’ts with respect to safeguarding against social engineering scams.

·         Don’t open emails and messages from unknown sources.
·         Always keep your devices and systems loaded with authentic multi stage authentication software.
·         Don’t get attracted easily to tempting offers.
·         Regularly Update your Antivirus Systems.


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