How to Check Graphics Card Details on a Windows 11 PC?

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How to Check Graphics Card Details on a Windows 11 PC?

Check Graphics Card Details on a Windows 11 PC

Graphics cards (GPUs) are essential components to many modern computers, from gaming PCs to workstations. Graphics cards enable applications to manipulate and render 3D graphics with an increased level of visual detail and fidelity. However, even the most powerful graphics card setups may need to be monitored and managed for optimal performance. Luckily, Windows 11 makes it easy to check your graphics card details quickly and accurately.

Steps to Check Graphics Card Details on a Windows 11

  1. Right-click on the Windows icon at the bottom left corner and select Control Panel.
  2. Select the System and Security category.
  3. Then select the System category.
  4. On the left-hand menu, select Device Manager and expand Display Adapter by clicking on the little arrow beside it.
  5. This will list all available GPUs on your system.
  6. Right-click on each adapter and select Properties to find exact details on make, model, driver, etc.
  7. You can also find information on your graphics card from the Graphics Control Panel. Right-click on an empty area on the desktop and select Graphics Properties.
  8. This will open the Intel Graphics Control Panel. Select Display from the left-hand menu and then select the General tab. Here you can find the exact make, model and driver version of your graphics card.

This article will explain how to check graphics card details on a Windows 11 PC, providing detailed instructions for each step.

Begin by opening the Start menu. From the Start menu, select ‘Settings’. From the Settings page, select ‘System’.

On the left-hand side of the System page, select ‘Display’. This page will provide information about your graphics card, including information about the GPU, such as the make, model, and driver version.

If you need more detailed information, such as the GPU’s specifications and performance data, click ‘Advanced display settings’ on the same page. This will navigate you to the ‘Advanced Display Settings’ window.

In this window, select the ‘View by’ dropdown menu and select ‘Graphics Properties’. This will open the ‘Graphics Properties’ page, which will allow you to see detailed information about your graphics card configuration.

Depending on your graphics card, you may see different tabs. Some of the most common tabs are the ‘Advanced’ tab, which provides data about the GPU driver; the ‘Monitor’ tab, which provides information about the display; and the ‘Compute’ tab, which provides performance metrics for the GPU.

If you need access to more detailed settings, select the ‘Restore Defaults’ button to reset the GPU to its factory settings. You can also enable and configure overclocking options in this window.

Finally, if you need an overview of the performance of your GPU, you can download a GPU-Z program. This program will provide detailed performance information, including power usage, temperatures, and more.

By following these steps, you will quickly be able to check the details of your graphics card on your Windows 11 PC. Using the built-in Settings page and additional third-party programs, you can view detailed specifications and performance metrics about your GPU. Contact the Supportly App customer service team if you require additional help.