How Can I Disable Norton Antivirus?

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How Can I Disable Norton Antivirus?

Disable Norton Antivirus

Norton Antivirus is one of the most popular antivirus programs available today. It is used by millions of people to protect their computers from viruses, malware, and other malicious software. However, there may be times when you want to disable this program in order to speed up your computer or to prevent it from interfering with another program you are running. In this article, we will discuss how to disable Norton Antivirus properly.

Step to Disable Norton Antivirus

  1. Open your Norton application. 
  2. Click “Security” or “Tasks” in the top navigation menu, depending on your version of Norton.
  3. Click “Turn Off” or “Disable” next to the “Antivirus” option.
  4. Click “Turn Off” or “Disable Now” in the confirmation window that appears.
  5. Click “OK” to confirm the changes and exit the application.

How to Disable Norton Antivirus?

  1. The first step in disabling Norton is to open the program itself. You can do this by clicking on the Start button and then selecting All Programs. Once you are in the All Programs menu, you should look for Norton Antivirus. Once you have located it, you will need to click on it. This will open the main window for the program.
  2. Once the main window for Norton Antivirus is open, you will see several options for turning off or disabling the program. The most common option is to simply click on the “Disable” button. This will turn off all of the features of Norton Antivirus and it will no longer be running on your computer. It’s important to note that this will not uninstall the program, it will simply turn it off.
  3. If you want to completely uninstall Norton Antivirus, you will need to go to the “Control Panel” on your computer. From here, you should select “Add/Remove Programs”. Here, you will find Norton listed as an installed program. You can then select it and click “Uninstall” to completely remove the program from your computer.
  4. Another way to disable Norton is to use the “System Configuration” utility. This tool is found in the “Control Panel” and can be used to disable certain programs or services from running on your computer. To use this tool, you will need to select the “Startup” tab and then look for Norton Antivirus. Here, you will be able to uncheck the box next to the program to prevent it from starting up when your computer boots.
  5. Lastly, you can also disable Norton Antivirus by using the “Services” tool. This tool is found in the “Control Panel” and can be used to manage the different services that are running on your computer. To use this tool, you will need to select the “Services” tab and then look for Norton Antivirus. Here, you will be able to uncheck the box next to the program to prevent it from running on your computer.

As you can see, there are a few different ways to disable Norton Antivirus. No matter which method you choose, it is important to remember to restart your computer after disabling the program. This will ensure that the changes you made take effect and that your computer will be free of any viruses or malware. If you need assistance then connect with Supportly App service team.